IT and VDI client hardware

Client computer hardware should be efficient, reliable and secure. It is also important to select suitable solutions for specific applications. The offering of our company includes a wide range of universal equipment dedicated to most tasks performed by contemporary office users as well as customised solutions for personnel who have increased expectations or work in conditions that present more demanding requirements for the equipment.

What we offer:

  • Business-class computer hardware (mobile, desktop, AiO)
  • Office-class computer hardware (mobile, tower, desktop, SFF, AiO)
  • Workstation-class computer hardware
  • Rugged computers
  • Screens dedicated to the business market
  • Dedicated screens
  • Terminals (zero client, thin client, mini PC)


One of the responses to the challenges connected with the constant transformation of the places and methods of work is the VDI technology, which guarantees secure access to the required resources and applications using different devices from any place with an Internet connection of a suitable capacity.

VDI is a centralised solution for storing data, or even entire virtual machines with installed applications, in the data centre or in the cloud.

VDI solutions offer various benefits:

  • Easier compliance with regulations, laws and requirements
  • Ability to run demanding applications on equipment with optimum parameters
  • More efficient operation thanks to standardisation
  • Enhanced security of the data, which do not leave the corporate data centre
  • Reliability and business continuity
  • Quick and easy standardisation: a single model for the whole group of users
  • Session portability – the employee’s dashboard will look the same on different devices